Half Lord of the Fishes

Written by Steve Johansen March 15, 2023

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose 

by Steve Johansen, Hummingbird Pilates and Yoga 

This month I'm going to focus on a seated twisted pose, called Half lord of the fishes, sometimes simply called Seated Twisted Pose, in Sanskrit it is Ardha Matsyendrasana (ARD-ah Mats-yun-DRAHS-uh-nah). Ardha translates as half, Matsya means fish, Indra king, and Asana Pose.

I love to use this pose at the end of my practice, as it is a deep and restorative twist, that both strengthens and rejuvenates. It improves spinal mobility, stretches the thighs, piriformis and glutes and relaxes the shoulders. It also allows you to focus on your breath. During the pose you feel the ribs expand and contract with each breath, helping you to develop a mindful, calm, meditative breath.

As with all spinal twists, take it slowly, easing gently into and out of any spinal rotation.

We often feel that we twist all the way through our spine, from top to bottom, but in fact most of the twisting motion happens in the neck and mid back. The more space that you can create by sitting a little taller, the more twist you’ll get. The real trick in any of twisting Yoga poses, is to not force it, but to learn how to relax; especially the neck and shoulders.

Where to start

As with many sitting poses, start in Dandasana (dun-DAHS-anna) or Staff pose. As the name suggests we should be sitting up straight, with all our muscles engaged. Sit taller with each inhalation, as you lift the crown of the head to the ceiling. Relax your shoulders, with each exhalation, creating as much space between the tops of your shoulders and ears. Extended your legs straight out in front of you, flex your feet, drawing the toes toward you, activating you calves and tops of your thighs, hands should be gently resting by your side. Lift through your sternum with each inhalation to sit a little taller. Let your shoulder blades role downwards, and towards each other with each exhalation, then find your Dristi, an unfocused gaze, and introduce your, long slow, steady breath.

To get into Half Lord of the Fishes, keeping both sit bones grounded, draw your right leg in, and cross it over the left leg, you're right foot should point straight forward, allow all four corners of the foot to be connected to the ground. The easiest option is to have right your ankle by your left calf, drawing your ankle further up, to the outside of your knee, or to your thigh, to make the pose a little more challenging. Take your left hand to your right knee, keeping your elbow up at the same height as your hand, instead of pulling your right knee to the left to achieve the twist, gently draw your left elbow forwards to twist your torso, as you breathe in sit a little taller, and relaxing your shoulders with each out breath, as you ease into the stretch in your right hip.

On your next Inhalation, sit a little taller and stretch your right arm forwards palm facing outwards, and sweep upwards to reach up towards the ceiling, as you exhale draw your left elbow forwards to intensify the twist, as you stretch your right hand backwards, and around behind you. Place your thumb as close to your tailbone as possible, turning your fingers to face backwards, to help you relax your shoulder, or wrap your right arm around your waist to your left hip, palm facing outwards, turning the head to find a dristi over your right shoulder at the back of the room.

Try to hold the pose for three to five breaths, with each inhalation, notice not just the front ribs expanding, but the sides of your ribs expanding and stretching as you sit a little taller, with each exhalation allow yourself to relax deeper into the twist, letting the shoulders blades roll down your spine with each exhalation. Repeat on the other side.

I hope that you enjoy this pose as much as I do. Next month I aim to share a short video link with you for those that would benefit from seeing me teach pose, or you’re always very welcome to join me at my studio.


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